Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Only 1 in 5 Sunscreens are Safe

 In May, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) announced that it had issued its fifth annual guide to sunscreen products and reports that, out of 600 beach and sport sunscreens, only one in five are safe.

Sunscreens are meant to protect our skin cells from harmful UVA and UVB radiation. Unfortunately, the jury is still out on exactly what benefit these bottled creams can deliver. The sun not only penetrates the skin, it may penetrate and degrade your sunscreen—unleashing harmful free radicals on the surface of your skin that may end up causing more harm than help.

Although Isagenix may not entirely agree with EWG’s methodology, the new report deserves high marks for bringing natural minerals to the forefront as having the “best safety profile of today’s choices.”While no sunscreen beats shade and clothing, zinc and titanium offer broad UVA and UVB protection without threatening to decay beneath the sun’s rays. With little risk of toxicity or skin penetration, the EWG hails these two ingredients as superior to the chemical concoctions most sunscreens tend to offer.

Sunscreens to Avoid
In contrast, the group recommended against use of the following due to lack of safety:
  • Sunscreen sprays because of possible inhalation of chemicals
  • Sunscreens containing retinyl palmitate because they may contribute to free radical formation
  • Sunscreens containing oxybenzone, a known hormone disrupter. The EWG’s findings show that oxybenzone is present in nearly 60 percent of sunscreens on the market in the United States.
  • Sunscreens with poor UVA protection. Too many sunscreens protect only against UVB “burning” rays, but not  UVA “aging” rays of which are principally responsible for skin aging, oxidative stress, and contribution to skin cancer.
  • Sunscreens that offer a false sense of security such as “water proof,” or “sweat proof.” These claims can be misleading.
Go with Minerals
Sunscreens that contain the natural minerals zinc or titanium such as Isa SunGuard lead the way in consumer safety and sun protection. These natural sun-blocking minerals make it easier to avoid chemicals that EWG has said may disrupt hormones in the body. “Unlike other common sunscreen chemicals, zinc and titanium are not allergenic, do not break down in sunlight and do not disrupt the body’s natural hormones,” according to the report.
Natural minerals zinc and titanium, when combined, offer broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

Gaps in both the regulations and the research have led consumers down a confusing path when it comes to differentiating between sunscreens. The EWG fills the void when governing bodies aren’t willing to set substantial recommendations and regulations on sunscreen ingredients and their effectiveness.

Isa Sunguard is an all-natural sunscreen with minerals and quality ingredients including green tea and chamomile. With a strong commitment to scientific support, the formulation of Isa Sunguard contains zinc oxide and titanium dioxide and provides maximal protection against UVA and UVB rays.

For more information about this topic and other health and wealth related topics use the following websites:


Environmental Working Group. “Sunscreens Exposed: Nine Surprising Truths.” 2012.
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